September 9th

Chuck laying a track down on a beautiful afternoon recording session.

September 8th

Just two mates, hanging out in paradise and enjoying the scenery.

September 7th

Eric is charging everyday, but today he gets special notice for putting his pedal to his metal.

September 6th

I have another new twin fin which I put to the test this morning.  The glassed-in fins seemed to hold extra well.

September 5th

Lance getting closer to toes on the nose Gidget style.

September 4th

Brooke and Luke showing off the evening's catch, to the delight of all the hungry sashimi eaters.

September 3rd

Here is George conducting a late afternoon style clinic right out front.

September 2nd

Tom finding form a couple days into the trip, muscle memory from 2007 when he was surf guide for a year.

September 1st

Chris hasn't been back for three years, and many things have changed since then.  He feels right at home out front, not much has changed on that reef.

August 31st

Luke is here helping us to produce a video which will be available shortly.  Here he is taking time out from shooting to get a view of his own.

August 30th

Adriana has been getting some great ones out front, already got the place dialed after only a couple days.  Here she is using her fins as they were designed, holding her high up in the pocket.

August 29th

Chuck putting himself in the zone on a flawless low tide drainer just 5 minutes walk down the beach.


We are standing by to make your dreams a reality.

The original secret surfing location and Mentawai adventure surfing resort in the Mentawai Islands,

West Sumatra, Indonesia.