See daily photographs of your friends and family at WavePark Mentawai Resort.

August 17th

Jamie lighting up the inside section with a hard carve.

August 16th

Deano on a perfect little gem.

August 15th

Sabine chalks up another for the memory banks.

August 14th

The Factor finding the sweet spot this afternoon.

August 13th

Longy cool and casual as the swell jacks up overnight.

August 12th

Mossy high and tight in the zone.

August 11th

Tommo is having no trouble catching the sets, no matter how steep.

August 10th

Saggers listened to advice about taking the highline.

August 9th

Blenner doing some reconstructive surgery on his barrel attempt.

August 8th

Straight off the boat, and into a couple clean kegs.

We are standing by to make your dreams a reality.

The original secret surfing location and Mentawai adventure surfing resort in the Mentawai Islands,

West Sumatra, Indonesia.