June 17th

Thanks to the kindness of Jeanne, we now have the ability to go tandem in the Mentawais.  Tate is stoked!

June 16th

I think Jeanne has found her favourite wave.  Here she is cruising down the line with her silver surfer style.

June 15th

Here is Minnie working on her version of the Mentawaian Parivrtta Trikonasana (Revolved Triange Pose).

June 14th

Here's our entire group.  The photographers request, "look at the camera and think about your best wave".  Looks like they've all had at least one good one good one except for Eva (who is trying to hide) and Tristan (he's got shot of the day yesterday, he's shunning all media attention).

June 13th

This is Tristan turning hard off the bottom on a board that weighs as much as he does.

June 12th

Greg was invited on this trip to help out in the water, giving instruction and helping the guests catch waves.  Here is Greg demonstrating the duck and weave technique to his students.

June 11th

This is Laura stoked on her Mentawai adventure. The expression on her face says it all.

June 10th

This is Walter enjoying a late afternoon session with just the family out.  This is the daddy-sized wave of the session.

June 9th

Here is Eli on his first day in the Mentawais, already picking the right line and perfect trim.  Almost in the shade!  

We are standing by to make your dreams a reality.

The original secret surfing location and Mentawai adventure surfing resort in the Mentawai Islands,

West Sumatra, Indonesia.