July 17th

Bobby Barista back in the saddle after an eye infection prior to his trip, followed by two broken ribs first day of his trip.  Sometimes we nickname this place "WavePark Convalescent Home". Sometimes it seems like everybody on the island is recovering from one thing or another!

July 16th

Here's surfer Doc finding his feet again after breaking his leg and needing surgery.  Obviously getting the hang of it again.

July 15th

Ross has been charging this trip, really wanting to make the big moves, and many times pulling them off!  Here he makes you, the viewer, grit your teeth and say "oooooooooooooooo".  Look at that rail. Look at those fins.  Look at his out of control body language.  I can tell you that luckily he escaped unscathed on this one, but it was touch and go for a couple milliseconds there.

July 14th

Here is Craig with his submission, both to the wipeout folder 2009, and the wave.  I'm not even sure how he got in this position, or what he was doing.  Sometimes we joke "looking for a lobster aye?", or "decided to survey the reef!" when a good wipeout comes up on the slide show screen each night, but in this one? I could only think maybe he thought a new a new kind of retro layback was in order, but his board wasn't on the same page? 

Geez I love paying people out.

July 13th

See, this is the thing.  It's easy for you sitting on your ass to make a judgement on Craig here, with his submission for the wipeout of the year folder that we're compiling. This is the 5th shot after his July 8th SOTD.  I mean, if it was YOU, you would have made it, right?  Look at that perfect section looming, WHAT IS HE DOING? 

Well, it all gets put in context when you're out HERE, already high and tight and about to come out of a smoking barrel, it all gets to be a bit too much, and you lose your composure.  Happens to everybody, and when you come out here, it will happen to you.  So have some empathy will you?

July 12th

We don't know much about this guy is aside from:

He is Spanish and sponsored,

He is staying on the King Millenium charter boat,

He is greedy in the lineup with no etiquette, and

He got probably the wave of the day.

July 11th

Ross hooking into a smoking pit at ******.  He worked on his backside at G-Land before coming here, and it has paid off handsomely.

July 10th

Here's Grant on an early morning bomb right out front.

July 9th

Wade lining himself up for some shade on this beautiful day at ******.  The only thing left to do is drop and rotate his left shoulder which will bring his rail further up the face of the wave, giving him a higher line which increases the chance he'll make the upcoming section.

July 8th

Here's our new guest Craig getting warmed up at *****.  5 shots after this one, Craig earned a spot in the "2009 wipeouts of the year" folder.  So we'll be revisiting him at the end of the season when we share with you all the guts that went with the glory.  You can check out the 2008 collection by clicking here. In the meantime, keep up the good work Craig!

July 7th

July 7th was good, but July 8th was better.  Therefore I'm using my prerogative as webmaster to skip the 7th and show you Jared here at ***** surfing his new 6'6 for the first time.

July 6th

For lack of anything better to put up today, I'm putting this up from our session July 3rd.  I surfed my new 6'6 for the first time, and although it feels like being on a railway line compared to my twinny, I think it's going to work especially in the bigger stuff.  Thanks to Shane Stoneman for all my magic boards.

July 5th

Jared lining up one of only a couple waves caught at *******.  High and tight, he's in the zone and feeling the force with his Jedi positioning.

July 4th

Here's Phil at ****** with that beautiful late afternoon light. Phil came here to improve and already at the end of his first week he's already showing form.

July 3rd

Here's Brandon stepping up and charging big ****** today.  We weren't going to go home until he got a big one, and when it came to him, he didn't pull back. 

July 2nd

I'm working on the "WavePark Mentawai best of 2007" at the moment.  There are 5 coffee table books going to the printers thanks to Momento Publishing.  There are links to previews of the first 2 books on the news page .  Anyway, as I was putting together the "Puppies!!" pages, this photograph stands out for me as somehow representing the carefreedom (is that a word?  It is now) of youth. 

July 1st

Here's Stu's catch, the best we've had in about a month.  "Izzy'll be spewing" he reckons.  All the more reason to make it shot of the day Stu.

June 30th

Alice found these little peeps asking for food in one of the spiky plants just outside the bar. 

June 29th

Not bad for a first full day on the island.  Mick here not really knowing what to do with himself when his second wave ever at ***** delivers him a spitting tube.

June 28th

Another trip starts with solid swell right off the bat.  Here is Luke saying "hi there" from inside his shack at ******. 

We are standing by to make your dreams a reality.

The original secret surfing location and Mentawai adventure surfing resort in the Mentawai Islands,

West Sumatra, Indonesia.