See daily photographs of your friends and family at WavePark Mentawai Resort.

June 26th

Stephen knows how special it is to get this left going off.

June 25th

Jeff scored one of our most illusive lefts on his trip.

June 24th

I asked Stu if this was the best wave of his trip. He reckoned it was the best wave of 3 trips.

June 23rd

Bodhi is winding up his time with us, and he finally got one of the waves that he'd been patiently waiting for.

June 22nd

We're not sure who this guy is?  The shot is a pretty fair representation of what went on all day today.

June 21st

Robert right out front, in the zone.

June 20th

Ryan throwing buckets in the late afternoon.

June 19th

Marcus getting his head around how to approach a slow closeout.

June 18th

Zac doing a Jedi at our favourite low tide left.

June 17th

The look on my face says it all.

June 16th

Glenn is stoked he extended his trip by a few days, and it paid off today .

We are standing by to make your dreams a reality.

The original secret surfing location and Mentawai adventure surfing resort in the Mentawai Islands,

West Sumatra, Indonesia.