WavePark Mentawai Adventure
Surf Resort is situated in Western Indonesia...
...off the West Coast of Sumatra
in the Mentawai Archipelago.
At the southern tip of Siberut (the
largest island) lies six small islands encompassed by about 15 square
miles of the Indian Ocean.
"X" marks the spots of
our name-break waves. If you want to know the exact names and locations,
we don't do that kind of thing here. We're preserving what we consider
to be the mystique of the area. But other websites can ruin it for
The aerial photograph below is the
best tool we have to show you where things are in relation to
each other on the island resort. The island is about 66
acres, to give you some sense of scale.
We are standing by to make your dreams
a reality.
The original secret surfing location
and Mentawai adventure surfing
resort in the Mentawai Islands, West Sumatra, Indonesia.