by editor: Expletives removed by decency censor.
May 2000.
Nothing can prepare you for that first trip to indo,
let alone that first trip to the mentawais. And definitely not
when it was 9 years ago, when surfing in the Mentawais was really still
in it’s infancy. Yeah,
there were people around 15 years prior, but not in droves. For
a surfing legacy…..15 years old is pretty new really! Infancy…..
3 indo virgins we were, in transit to hook up with
one of our best friends, Christie Carter, who was lucky enough to encounter
the islands with no names….the kid had a vision, and surfing
skill to back it up, and we were lucky enough to tag along for the
ride on a 3 week surfing trip that will go down in history books. This
was the beginning of WavePark Mentawai.

I’ll never forget that smell. Walking down
the steps of the plane, the silk air flight from Singapore to Padang,
onto the cooking runway heat at Tabing Airport (RIP). Sweating
our central California asses off. And that smell……diesel,
burning trash, cloves. For a surfer, those are the smells of pure
adventure, as soooo many good waves just seem to be right in the middle
of 3rd world chaos. Keep in mind this was the BEGINNING of the
famous indo logistics…. “if
it were easy, everybody would be doin it….” That
phrase still holds true today. See, our flight got in 2 hours early,
and our mate Carter……had no way of knowing back then, unless
he were to show up 2 hours early to the airport…..and who in the
hell is gonna do that??!!!! Not in the year 2000, not at Tabing
Airport! So we kicked it on the curb, figured it was all part of
the adventure. I got offered an indo chick, “you like? Cheerleader
yeah?”, met a padang grom named Rudy, who always remembered us
when we came back. And finally Carter shows his face. How
could we be mad, the kid brought beers with him? It was on!
4.5 hour channel crossing the next morning, in a
dug out tree (liberty), with 3 40hp motors on the back in the smoothest
conditions you could ever imagine. Baby’s ass glass we call
it. Flying
fish, dolphins, card games, sunburns, language barriers, bintangs (the
big bottles, not that canned crap), the stuff memories are made of. Just
when you think “how much further ???”,
you see shades of dark green on the horizon and your whole reality shifts. Tropical
perfection in every form imaginable.

4 friends on a life altering trip. ½ the time
spent alone on the island, in 1 of the old coconut harvester shacks……Low
ceilings, no power, NO FANS, no light, NO ICE, nobody else around……the
other ½ spent on an indo cargo boat, sleeping on our boardbags
above the engine room, catching cockroaches in our empty 32oz bintang
bottles (that worked really well!!), surfing our nuts off. Long
before the surf media blew it up, long before the timmy turners and brett
swartzes made their “we’re so gnarly feral movies”,
and not so long after the original crew came thru and absolutely scored
with no one around. It was a special trip.
“It’s rifles… don’t hit the breaks, you
just ease off the accelerator!!!”. A quote by our mate
chris Elmerick. Both the session and the quote go down in history! It’s
that session that keeps us coming back after all these years. It’s
that session caused me to sell my house, quit my job, and leave everything
else behind……..It truly is that good……
Put that in your pipe and smoke it!
We are standing by to make your dreams
a reality.

The original secret surfing location
and Mentawai adventure surfing
resort in the Mentawai Islands, West Sumatra, Indonesia. |