Recommended Padang Hotels
All WavePark guests are required to spend a couple nights in Padang prior and after their WavePark trip. Here are WavePark’s top picks for hotels in Padang:
WavePark receives a special corporate rate for these two hotels in Padang, and we pass that discount directly to our guests. If you want the best rate not available to the public, be sure to book your Padang hotel through WavePark.
Santika Hotel, all prices include breafast
Hotel Website: Santika Hotel Price: Superior: IDR 665,000, Deluxe: IDR 735.000, Deluxe Ocean: IDR 885.500, Premiere: IDR 1.135.000, Premiere Ocean: IDR 1.285.000, Suite: IDR 2.835.000, Santika Suite: 4.235.000
D’OxVille Hotel, all prices include breafast
Hotel Website: D’OxVille Hotel Price: Superior Room: IDR 500,000 weekday, IDR 550,000 weekend. Deluxe Room: IDR 600,000 weekday, IDR 650,000 weekend. Junior Suite Room: IDR 700,000 weekday, IDR 750,000 weekend. Family Suite: IDR 1,175,000 weekday, IDR 1,225,000 weekend